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Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern all transactions with the Gateway Figure Skating Club, doing business as Gateway Skating Club located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

All transactions will be completed in Canadian Dollars.


Private Lesson Figure Skaters

Fees are not refundable. Withdrawal from class substantiated with a medical certificate will be given credit for the next available session. The Skate Canada fee is not refundable and a $25.00 administration fee will be retained.

Gateway members may receive credits when a skater has a long period of time away given the following criteria is met:

  1. The skater is in the Junior, Intermediate, Senior, or O12/Adult category and is a Gateway Member.
  2. The skater is registered for an entire September-May skating season and their time away falls within that season.
  3. The skater will be missing a minimum of 3 consecutive weeks of skating.
  4. The club has been alerted 1 month prior to the skater’s absence and has been approved of by the director before the time of absence.

Members will receive club credit (no refunds) for the skater’s time away (minus a $25 admin fee) and credit will only be applied at the time of return to skating.


CanSkate and Introductory Figure Skating Program Refunds: 


No refunds will be given due to Club Activities or Cancelled sessions out of our control.

Skate Canada Fees are Non Refundable.

Program Fees are not refundable.  Credits for the next available session will be considered, less a $25 admin fee. Programs cancelled within 48 hours of the Program starting will be charged for the class missed.


NSF Cheques will be charged an additional $25.00.

The Gateway Skating Club accepts the following credit cards for payment:

  • VISA

Gateway Skating Club does not export goods or services. All programs will take place at the location indicated in the program registration.

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