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STAR Pathway

The STAR pathway offers opportunities for skaters of all ages to develop fundamental figure skating skills in the areas of ice dance, skating skills, free skate and interpretive skating. Skaters learn skills in a progressive and sequential manner with the opportunity to take Skate Canada Tests through a nationally standardized testing system.

The program consists of skills in four areas - Skating Skills, Ice Dance, Freeskate and Artistic.

STAR participants are also able to compete throughout the season at Club Competitions, STARSkate Interclub Competitions and Invitational Competitions.


PODIUM Pathway

Skaters who wish to challenge their figure skating skills and who show potential as competitive skaters can participate in the Podium Pathway. This pathway is for skaters in singles, pairs and ice dance wishing to compete in qualifying events within Skate Canada.

Skaters in this program will receive access to:

  • Provincial and National funding programs (as applicable)
  • the opportunity to be selected to Skate Canada Provincial teams
  • the opportunity to be selected to Skate Canada's National team
  • the opportunity to compete at Skate Canada Sectionals, Skate Canada Challenge, and/or the National Skating Championships
  • the opportunity to represent Canada internationally
  • the opportunity to take Skate Canada Assessments/Tests through a nationally standardized assessment system.




For inquiries about our private lesson figure skating program, please contact the GSC Director.

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